The purposes of this research were to (1) identify the current practices of student activities in the secondary schools in Bangkok, (2) propose an effective observation for the administration of student activities as practiced in effective secondary schools. The samples comprised those 72 secondary schools under the Department of General Education through the selection of the first 10 most effective administration of student activities. The instrument were an opinionnaire and a structured interview as developed from the Frederick's concept. All data as obtained during October 2002 to January 2003 were to be analyzed by employing frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. It revealed that : (1) The student activities administration was f ound, as a whole as well as each aspect, at a high level according to the following order of priority : policy and philosophy, classification, scheduling, principle and direction of management, evaluation, administration and the sponsor. (2) An additional observation regarding student activities administration as drawn from the interview were : There appeared a policy and philosophy in every school. Two styles were shown in managing student activities - both teachers and students were eligible to set op the clubs. The most interesting clubs was sports and games. Most teachers were pleased to be the club sponsors. Many schools set up an administrative council for student activity clubs and encouraging their students to participate. Most schools did not set up annual student activity calendars. The evaluation were mostly done by the advisors, where several schools offered their students to carry on by themselves. There were no evidence regarding the overall administrative evaluation of student activities as well.